Knowing the sound level with a quality calibrated sound level meter allows action to be made to ensure proper safety in a working environment. Whether it is ensuring critical communication is clear or workers not being exposed to damaging sound levels a reliable measuring instrument is necessary. To provide this reliability we use equipment from quality manufacturers like Bruel and Kjaer, Norsonic, and Stanford Research Systems to calibrate sound level meters according to ANSI standards. We are also able to calibrate accompanying octave band filters that attach onto sound level meters
Properly measuring sound dose throughout an entire workday is important for the health and safety of workers, and to adhere to OSHA standards. By calibrating your dosimeters using NIST traceable high quality equipment according to ANSI standards we ensure worker safety and OSHA compliance.
To make sure equipment is working day to day, more often than the once-a-year calibration interval, a reliable sound calibrator is needed. We can calibrate the calibrator to ensure a NIST traceability line to any number of dosimeters and sound level meters and allow repeatable, easy to use, day to day measurements.
Laboratory grade microphones are sensitive and expensive, and having an out of tolerance microphone can be a significant cost and invalidate data. We calibrate microphones using an electrostatic actuator in accordance with IEC 61094 to ensure your microphones are working as expected. We are also able to calibrate the microphones individually on sound level meters and dosimeters.
Audiometers are used to give quantitative feedback on a person’s hearing response, checking against a wide range of frequencies and sound levels on each ear, allowing the audiometric technician to see if any kind of damage or disease has affected someone’s ear. Using a sophisticated software that’s worked with numerous audiometer manufacturers and a high quality NIST traceable microphone we can calibrate a wide array of audiometers to ensure accurate assessments.